Friday, September 8, 2017

Great Can. Okay Beer.

I'm currently drinking a pint can of Royal Kilt Inspector. It's as disappointing as the two movies I've watched since my last post. Just fine, even satisfying, but lacking anything special. It also advertises itself as one thing (a Scotch Ale) and doesn't deliver on that promise.

Which movies have I seen?

The Dark Tower

Have you guys ever watched a movie and thought about writing a review only to find that someone else had already perfectly expressed your thoughts, better than you could have done? That is what has happened to me. Friend of CR5FC Ignatiy Vishnevetsky (hey, he left a comment once) wrote a perfect review. The only thing that I can maybe contribute to it is to continue my film/food comparisons and compare the film to a pickleback. Whenever I enjoy one of these with old friends, it is customary after finishing to declare, "It's like it never happened." That's how I felt almost immediately after walking out the doors of the Saver.

Here's the link to the review I didn't write, but wish I had: Vishnevetsky is still one of our best.

You've Got Mail

Yes, I was in the mood to re-watch this '98 romantic comedy for the first time since, well, probably since 1999. It's more interesting as a time capsule than as a film. It's no Shop Around the Corner. But it is pleasant and Hanks and Ryan do have great chemistry (Joe Versus the Volcano is still a largely unheralded masterpiece and the two of them are best there, but good here). My friend Spike had (has?) an enduring crush on Ryan. I'm pretty sure that he believed her to be the perfect female. I was contrary at the time and argued that besides the exception of Joe, she was only good in the film adaptation of David Rabe's Hurlyburly (amazingly, released the same year). I'm pretty sure that there's nothing in Hurlyburly for me to care about today. But You've Got Mail continues to have a lot of charm, a charm that I resisted at the time, and much of that charm comes directly from Meg Ryan (and of course, Hanks, who I never questioned). It's a shame that she seems to have disappeared in the last 15 years. Her IMDb page indicates that she's continued to work, but I haven't seen (or largely heard of) any of the things she's been in since '98. If you guys haven't seen Mail in a while, it's worth a late night watch in bed with your wife.

Only two movies? Yep. I've also watched some YouTube videos (mostly GenCon coverage, but also trailers, late night talk show clips, and various other things), a few episodes of The Chase (an entertaining trivia show that can be found on NWI), a few episodes of Cheers, and a few more re-watches of Breaking Bad episodes, but this isn't TV Club. I also re-watched Dennis Leary: No Cure for Cancer almost immediately after my last post and meant to write about it, but didn't. I have problems with Leary (that probably should go without saying), but this special has a place in my heart. It's a fierce stand-up performances that was revelatory to me in the mid-90s and continues to impress me today, 20 or so years since the last time I've seen it. Maybe I'll re-watch it again soon and actually write about it. It fits in perfectly with my current meditations on what it means to be a man, specifically what it means to be a man right now in America. Finally, I watched the first half of De Palma's Fury, but fell asleep and don't feel like I need to return to it. Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. Stay tuned for the next pathetic post here. At the rate I've been watching things and posting here, you can expect it in about three weeks. :-)

EDIT: I forgot. I also watched one of my Top 100 and posted about it here: